Ground station to SAT Link -Up-Link can be jammed if you are in the same region (beam)
SAT to Drone Link -Down-Link, Drone to SAT-Link -Up-Link
GPS to Drone Link -GPS Jamming
Main Features
The most common frequencies will be jammed such as 1.2 GHz, 2.4 GHz, 433MHz, 868 MHz plus GPS signal (optional if needed)
The operating mode is reactive which has a superior performance to just active jamming systems
Operational Mode
2 – 3 systems deployed in a car on each side of the airport plus 1 system in the centre
The system will only be activated in case of an incident
In case a drone is in the security perimeter the system can be activated and the pilot frequency will be jammed. The drone will switch to the failover mode and will return to the pilot
This option is considered as interim solution –it will not secure the hole airport but will ensure that a drone can be neutralized quickly and will prevent a shut down of the airport
Tech Specs (extract)
Single Body 520x320x150mm
Weight 23.00kg
Color Green
Battery 2 hrs
Set up time2 seconds
Operation easy switch on
Range 300-800 m
Drone Detection and Identification Systems - Drone Radar SR - 9000S
System Performance
The radar detects flying objects 360 degrees up to 5km, a rough identification (small drone, large drone) can be done at a distance of 3km
An optional camera allows a visual identification/verification
A directional antenna is mounted on the radar system which allows a directional jamming
The radar will indicate the sector and the drone defence will be active automatically or on demand
The radar system is based on very sophisticated software which is able to differentiate birds from drones. This will limit the false alarm rate and is the biggest competitive advantage
Can be integrated with the ECM Unit RTX-2000M6 or RTX-3000X
Camera System Integration (Thermal and HD Camera) SC-1000T / SC-1500T possible as well
System Operation
This system configuration is suitable for clients who would like to have a system back up to the ECM drone defence who can’t or wouldn’t like a constantly active, but on demand drone defence who do require a redundant system
Large industrial zones such as refineries and power stations