Recently, the security situation in Europe has been deteriorating. Terrorism and extremism have been gaining grounds and have shown a new trend of assaults which resemble terrorism because they hit soft targets and kill randomly but lack ideological motive. All these attacks were beyond the standard self-help capacity of the attacked subjects and all exceeded the limits of common crime. Most of these incidents resulted in casualties, with consequences affecting the whole community. More often than not, coordinated effort was necessary to put recovery measures in place. The lesson we are learning is that terrorists are still more and more likely to attack unprotected places where people congregate, regardless of whether there is or is not a political, religious or other symbolic pretext (i.e. the soft targets).
Typical soft targets include: schools, dormitories, canteens, libraries, - religious sites and places of worship, - shopping centers, market places and commercial facilities, - cinemas, theatres, concert halls, entertainment venues, - gatherings, parades, demonstrations, - bars, clubs, dance clubs, restaurants and hotels, - parks and squares, tourist monuments and places of interest, museums, galleries, - sporting arenas and stadiums, - important transportation sites, railway and bus stations, airport terminals, - hospitals, medical centers and other health care facilities, - public meetings, pilgrimages, fairs - cultural, sports, religious and other events - community centers.
Basic of soft targets protection - guidelines1) The Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic for a subsidy from the state budget. The program for subsidy support is published at The application for support from this program must be submitted to the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic no later than 31.12. 2018.
2) The Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic for a subsidy from the state budget. The grant support program is published at The application for support from this program must be submitted to the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic no later than 14.2. 2018.
3) The Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic subsidizes from the state budget. The grant support program is published at Application for support from this program must be submitted to the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic no later than 3.12. 2018.